New York Knicks vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Time & Location
Jan 27, 2025, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10001, USA
About the event
承蒙前三年的成功演出,現任世界台灣青商會會長林維洋(Andy Lin)再度榮幸受邀,於紐約NBA籃球隊 Knicks 農曆新年專場比賽擔任開場嘉賓,演奏美國國歌!這將是 Andy Lin 連續第四年在這項特別的活動中,帶領『新亞室內樂協會』成員用二胡與中西合璧的音樂為比賽拉開序幕。 為回饋社區,Knicks 特別提供折扣票給世青的朋友,數量有限(約 40 張),採先搶先贏原則。請參考以下資訊並儘速報名,與我們一同感受這場結合文化與運動的精彩盛會! 詳情及票務資訊請看下方
Following the success of his past three performances, Andy Lin, the current President of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter, is once again honored to be invited as the opening guest performer at the New York Knicks Lunar New Year Game. Andy, along with members from the New Asia Chamber Music Society will perform the U.S. National Anthem, marking his fourth consecutive year bringing his unique blend of East and West through the erhu to this special event. To give back to the community, the Knicks are offering discounted tickets to friends of the WTCCJC. Tickets are limited (approximately 40 seats) and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Don’t miss this incredible celebration of culture and sports—check out the details below and secure your spot now! Ticket details and more information are provided below:…